Terms and Conditions

This web-site is intended to be a friendly, enjoyable and useful experience, but as with anything concerning any kind of transactions there are risks involved and we strongly advise you to understand all of these terms before joining. If you spot a listing that you feel is violating the general terms and conditions of this web-site as stated below please let us know by contacting us.

BUYERS: Please be aware that pressing 'buy out' accepts the buy out price, and purchase the product.

SELLERS: Any tax regulations or legalities in your respective regions are your responsibility to follow and arrange externally.

Acknowledgment of Risks: 

By using FurForge, users acknowledge and understand that there are inherent risks associated with online transactions and the use of our service. Users agree that FurForge shall not be held liable for any losses, damages, or liabilities arising from their participation in buying or selling activities on the platform. It is the responsibility of users to exercise caution, perform due diligence, and take necessary precautions when engaging in transactions with other users on FurForge. Users are encouraged to thoroughly review item listings, communicate with sellers, and assess the credibility and authenticity of other users before entering into any transactions. While we strive to uphold privacy and security measures for our buyers and sellers, it is important to acknowledge that data protection risks can exist in any online service. Users should exercise caution and take appropriate precautions to maintain the security of their data. While we implement safeguards and follow best practices, we cannot guarantee absolute protection against unauthorized access or data breaches. It is the responsibility of users to adopt their own measures, such as using strong passwords, keeping their account information confidential, and regularly updating their devices and software to enhance data security. 

Users are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the information provided during registration. Any changes to personal information should be promptly updated on the platform. Users must maintain the confidentiality of their account credentials and are prohibited from sharing their login information with any third parties. Users are solely responsible for any activity conducted through their account. 

Prohibited Items:

FurForge prohibits the listing or sale of items that are illegal, infringe upon intellectual property rights, or violate any applicable laws or regulations. This includes but is not limited to counterfeit goods, weapons, drugs, stolen items, and items that promote hate speech or discrimination. We may remove your listing at our own discretion.

Seller Obligations:

Sellers are responsible for accurately describing their items and providing all relevant information, including any defects or limitations. Sellers should ship items promptly upon receiving payment and must address any disputes or concerns raised by buyers in a fair and timely manner. If an item is 'custom' or 'in progress', updates should be given to the buyer at a regular basis. These terms should be discussed between buyers and sellers both before and after purchasing. Sellers have a responsibility to include their own terms relating to the sale in the description of their listing.

AI / Artificial Intelligence:

The sale or listing of any items that have been created, generated, or produced using artificial intelligence (AI) technology is strictly prohibited on FurForge. This includes but is not limited to artworks, designs, or any other goods that have been wholly or partially created using AI algorithms or automated processes. FurForge is committed to promoting genuine artistic creations and encourages users to respect the integrity of human creativity and craftsmanship in the items listed on the platform.

Prohibited Sale of NFTs: 

The sale or listing of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is strictly prohibited on FurForge. Lol.

Buyer Payment Responsibility: 

Buyers on FurForge are responsible for completing payment either directly during checkout or by promptly arranging payment with the seller after committing to a purchase. Failure to fulfill payment obligations following a purchase may result in account termination. It is essential that buyers honor their commitment to payment in order to maintain a fair and trustworthy marketplace environment.

Social Media:

We may occasionally share listings from our site on Twitter, or via our newsletter. This helps to advertise listings, and by using our service, you consent to our sharing of your listings or store for promotional purpose.

Supplementary Terms:

Rights To Suspend or Terminate.
You agree that this web-site, in its own discretion, may terminate any auction or use of the service immediately and without notice if (a) We believe that you are not abiding by the general rules of this web-site (b) You have repeatedly broken a certain term (c) You have listed a suspicious item (d) We believe you to be a non paying bidder. In most cases when we suspect foul play we will suspend your account/listing whilst we investigate further. If our investigation is conclusive then your account with us will be terminated. We are not required to explain reasoning with regards to a termination if we feel your termination is necessary for the longevity of our service.

Your Conduct.
You are solely responsible for the contents of your actions through this web-site. You must ensure that your participation in the selling or buying of items does not violate any applicable laws or regulations. By this we mean that you must check that you entitled to sell or buy the relevant item and that you are not prohibited from doing so by any law or regulation.
You must not transmit through the service any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable material. You must also not transmit any material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable law or regulation.

Membership to this web-site is only available to those you can form a legally binding contract. This web-site does not permit minors (under 16) to register. If any member fails to signup with their correct age the account will be terminated immediately.

General Terms.
This site acts as the window for sellers to conduct auctions and for bidders to bid on sellers' auctions. We are not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers. As a result, we have no control over the quality, safety or legality of the items listed the truth or accuracy of the listings, the ability of sellers to sell items or the ability of buyers to buy items. We cannot and do not control whether or not sellers will complete the sale of items they offer or buyers will complete the purchases of items they have bid on. In addition, note that there are risks of dealing with foreign nationals, underage persons or people acting under false pretense. We recommend speaking with the seller before purchasing any items, and recommend researching the seller as well.
This Web-site shall not be responsible for any items sold by Auction, for any damage to items during transit or during the inspection period, nor for misrepresentations and/or breaches of contract by either buyer and/or seller. This web-site shall not be responsible for the cost of procurement of substitute goods or any losses resulting form any goods purchased or obtained.
This web-site assumes no liability for the content of the listings. However if you fall victim of a fraudulent transaction we will assist you as much as we can. Please feel free to reach out if you feel a seller or buyer is conducting inappropriate behavior or breaking our terms.

These Terms of Service shall be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of Canada and any disputes will be decided only by the Courts of Canada.